Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Romans 7: A Track Record for Failure

"15I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do."

This could be the designated verse of this website. It is a Stumbler's confession. I don't know why I do the things I do! It seems like all the good things I want to do, I don't. And all the bad things I want to avoid doing, I do! 

We all struggle with sin. We all have our own "pet sins"--those specific sins we commit over and over again and can never seem to quit! My "pet" sin would have to be anger. I'm not talking about a Righteous Anger like Jesus displayed on occasion... no, unfortunately I'm talking about a selfish, destructive anger. An anger that burns like hot acid within my heart. All too often that acid is too much to keep inside and it spews out of me, injuring those closest to me.

I feel better temporarily. Once the anger has found it's pressure release in the form of hurtful words and actions, I gain relief. However, that relief is quickly replaced by guilt. I become ashamed of my actions, seek forgiveness, and promise I'll never let myself lose control like that again. It doesn't take long, however, before that hot acid begins bubbling away within me, begging for a release once again.

I've tried self-help and anger management techniques. While these "tips and tricks" can help alleviate the symptoms, they don't completely prevent it from happening ever again. That's the way sin works. The World tries to offer band-aid solutions... they may be able to sedate the sin in our lives, but these solutions will never rid us completely of sin. When it comes down to it, sedating sin does not make us any "better" in God's sight. We are still imperfect and we are still sinners. 

The only way to be truly free from sin is to put our hope in God. Jesus took the punishment for all our sins--past, present, and future--so we can rest assured that sin does not have the same power over us  that it used to. It is not a Death Sentence. In addition to this, the Holy Spirit is there to help steer us away from sin and give us the strength to resist the temptation to fall back into our old sinful ways. 

God can take our "pet" sins from us and put a leash on them. We don't have to worry about sin running rampant in our lives like a rabid dog. We have control over it. All we need to go is make the decision to give the leash a quick yank and sternly order "Down, boy!", rather than giving into its pining and unclipping the leash. 

What "pet" sin is running rampant in your life? Will you trust God to leash it? Or are you going to continue to let it run wild in your life? I don't know about you, but I'm tired of living with sin controlling my life...

Take all my sins... but especially take my "pet" sin of anger. I need you to help me leash and muzzle this sin. I don't want it controlling me any longer. Give me the strength to keep sin at bay and under control in my life. I don't want to be constantly stumbling over it.
I'm asking You this in Jesus name... your Son who you sent to take sin's power away. 

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