Monday, August 30, 2010

Romans 12: Welcome. Here is Your Course Outline.

"2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

"5 in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. 6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given us."

"9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good."

"21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

Romans 12 is a fantastic chapter. I would encourage you to go read the entire chapter, but above I have quoted a few of its many gems. Overall, the theme I get from this chapter is "Welcome". Welcome to a life in Christ. You belong. You have a role. Be welcoming to others.

This chapter has good timing in my life. This week is Back-To-School week for me and my students. In a couple days my classroom will be filled with unfamiliar faces and it will be my job to make them feel welcome. It will be my job to treat them with love and respect--even when they don't always return the favor.

The first day of class I usually put on a stern face and go through the rules and expectations of my classroom. My students are expected to live by these rules. It doesn't matter what they are allowed or not allowed to do in other classrooms or at home: when they enter my classroom, they enter my world. They are expected to adhere to the "house rules." As the semester progresses, I expect I'll have to make some exceptions and get students back on track. However, I know that if my students follow the rules I've set out for them they will succeed. My rules are not meant to be mean or limiting, but rather set my students up to achieve the most they can in my class.

I find it's the same way in my faith in Christ. God initially put on a stern face in the Old Testament. He laid out the rules for us to adhere to and had strict consequences if we rebelled. In the New Testament, God sent Jesus to mediate for us and to forgive us for our mistakes and help get us back on track. The rules God set out for us are meant to help us live the best life possible... not to hinder or limit us.

My students will find my class challenging at times. Some may choose to walk away from it completely by dropping the course. However, those who adhere to my expectations and work diligently until the end will be rewarded with success. God also designed life to be challenging at times. Some of us will choose to walk away from God's plan for our lives, however sticking with His plan until the end will have its rewards.

I find the most difficult thing for me to do as a teacher is to respond out of love and patience when a student is being obnoxious or defiant. However, God has put up with me through all my obnoxious and defiant moments, so why shouldn't I do the same with the people in my life? Christ is my role model, my teacher. He's given me the Course Outline (Bible) with all the rules, expectations, and other important information to live by... but it's up to me how I choose to navigate this Course called Life. I can be a straight-A student and live my life striving to live as closely to His expectations as possible... or I can be a disengaged student--disobedient, defiant, and sleeping through most of the Course. Which one do you think will bring me the most joy and success?

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