"I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate."Romans 7:15
Hello! I'm your friendly musing blogger, Malorie. I live in Canada with my wonderful husband, Adam, and my beautiful little daughter, whom I will refer to as CeeCee here.
You can read my personal testimony here.
You can read my personal testimony here.
Why Did I Start This Blog?
This blog began as a way to keep myself accountable to God. I had been struggling a lot with my faith in the years leading up to this blog's inception. I could not seem to get my spiritual feet planted firmly beneath myself. I wavered in my faith. I wandered off track. I lost sight of God and I put my faith on the back burner.
I felt that, since reaching adulthood, I was constantly stumbling spiritually. I felt like all the other Christians in around me had it so "together" all the time. I felt like I was the only one who ever had doubts... the only one who struggled with sin.
I think all too often Christians get wrapped up in an image they think they have to project to the world. They are terrified of admitting any wrongdoing or shortcoming. I personally believe that Christians should be the first to admit their imperfections so that the world can see that God has a relationship with imperfect, everyday people. We'll always look like hypocrites to the outside world if we try to hide our flaws and pretend we're "mini-Christs". We're not perfect. We never will be as long as we walk this earth. There has been, and only ever will be, one sinless Person. The rest of us need to try our best but be willing to admit fault along the way.
This is why I chose to name my blog "The Daily Stumbler". While I am striving to be like Christ, and I desperately want to run this race flawlessly, I know I'm still going to mess up. I'm going to hit those bumps and potholes. I'm going to stumble. Occasionally I may even fall flat on my face. The important thing is that I've decided I will always get up, and I will always run towards Him. This is not "The Daily Backtracker", nor is this "The Daily Saint"... it's striking a realistic balance.
What's this Blog's Purpose?
That's a complicated question. At this point I am leaving this blog in God's hands. If nothing else, this blog serves the purpose of keeping me on track. It provides a means and a reason to reflect on my own spiritual state. A soul mirror, if you will.
However, I do desire for this blog to be more than an electronic diary. I truly believe this blog is meant for more. It's meant to be a ministry. I love writing and I love teaching. This blog combines my two passions, and I believe I should use the gifts God gave me to glorify Him.
My greatest hope for this blog is that it would provide encouragement to those who have struggled in their faith, as I have, as well as provide a new introduction to Christianity for those who have become disillusioned with it. I am not trying to seek fame or fortune through my writing. I am trying to fulfill God's intended purpose for my life. I'm trying to be a witness.
All in all, I'm an imperfect person. I know this world is filled with other imperfect people. I feel that the best way to encourage other people in their faith is to speak openly about my own stumbles along the way so that others have something to relate to. If I cover up my flaws and try to pretend I'm perfect and I have a blissful relationship with God, then I'm doing a great disservice to my fellow stumblers. I'm alienating those around me and possibly hindering the birth of new Christians by pretending that my spiritual walk is always smooth.
Jesus did not come to this world to save perfect people. Jesus spent most of his time with losers, screw-ups, and criminals. If there is a transformation to take place in me, I want people to know it will have nothing to do with me or my own efforts. People need to know right off the bat that I am not that great of a person. I'm short-tempered, impatient, jealous, and a perfectionist. I lie, I'm selfish, and if I can't win-- I don't want to play. If one day I wake up and I tell you that these things no longer describe me, you need to now that that was a miracle of Biblical proportions.
So, until that miracle happens, I believe it is my purpose to share the moments that God reveals Himself to me through my imperfections. I believe that I can help others see God in a different light because they can see God from the perspective of a screwed-up sinner... not from the perspective of a clean-cut, straight-laced, fake. In this case "fake it until you make it" just won't cut it.
Can I Get Involved?
Yes!! I want you to get involved!
You can:
-write comments sharing your thoughts, ideas, and prayers on blog posts. Feedback is so valuable!
-spread the word. Share this website with friends and family.
-pray for me, this blog, and fellow Stumblers
-email me your Stumbling Story. Tell me about how God has revealed himself to you through your weak moments. I may even post your story to the main blog