Monday, October 25, 2010

Drawing Near to God through Caregiving

"...Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
Matthew 20:26-28

"We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is...serving, let him serve"
Romans 12:6-7

Have you ever given someone the perfect gift? A gift that was worth giving just for the sublime look on the recipient's face? Do you remember the absolute joy you felt as you watched that person open that special gift? 

This is how some people feel when they serve and care for others. They find God's presence--His joy--in giving the gift of service to those around them. They might not always get that eye-popping, gratitude-oozing reaction from those they care for, however they still find the Lord's joy in giving that gift nonetheless. 

I've known many a Great Servant (what a wonderful oxymoron that is!). Men and women who serve tirelessly and joyfully. Men and women who find no greater satisfaction than in being able to give of their time and energy to others. 

I don't know about you, but this Stumbler has often found herself grumbling when it comes to serving others. I've been known to whine and complain on more than one occasion when the work got too hard or went on for too long. I am in awe of those who can give so selflessly to those around them on a regular basis. However, this is how some people find the presence of God. This is how some people stoke the fire in their soul. While I might be ignited with a Holy fire in discovering God through a good sermon or Christian book, there are those who find that flame in caring for others. 

Have you found your flame yet, dear reader? In writing this "Drawing Near to God" series, I've grown more and more amazed at the many ways people can find closeness with their Heavenly Father. It makes me so thankful that my God is an excellent friend. He's willing to touch our hearts in a variety of ways so that there doesn't have to be a cookie-cutter method of worshiping Him and finding the warmth of His presence. There are still a few more paths in this series, but I have found it extremely rewarding to ponder and even practice a few different "paths" to cultivating a closer relationship with God than my defaults. It has stretched my soul muscles and made my heart a little softer to His voice.

While there is only one path to Salvation, there are so many ways to delight in God. I praise Him for that.

**This post is in my "Drawing Near to God" series inspired by Gary Thomas' book Sacred Pathways. 

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