Monday, September 6, 2010

How It All Began

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
Genesis 1:1 NLT

This is one of the most recognizable verses in the entire Bible. This is the verse that began it all. This is the verse that begins the story of time. Our story. The story of a loving God and his wayward children. The story of rebellion and anger that turned to forgiveness and peace. A story that has yet to come to its conclusion.

Since this story began, people have questioned the Author. We have all questioned this story's validity. We have questioned its wisdom. Even those who lived to see the events of the story take place first-hand had their doubts...but this is why our story is a faith story. It's not a textbook or a self-help book. It's not a fairytale. It's a love story with an open invitation. It's my love story. It's your love story. It's God's love story.

People will continue to doubt and theorize. They will put their faith in other things--be it other gods, themselves, or science. However, this story does not need our faith to exist. The story will continue to unfold despite our disbelief or doubting. Is it really so hard to believe that an all-powerful, loving God exists? Look at the world around you! Look at how perfectly the intricacies of this world work in harmony. Is it merely coincidence that our world is in the perfect spot in the solar system to support life? Is it merely coincidence that we are the only sentient beings on earth? The only beings that have Faith? Is it merely coincidence that there are countless cycles put into motion on this planet to support and sustain life? 

Perhaps a better questions is how, if not by God's hand, did this world come into being? How does nothing become something? Moreover, how does nothing become a glorious, amazing, awesome, functional, beautiful, wonderful something

There are always the "what abouts" in a doubted faith. What about the dinosaurs? What about carbon dating?  What about evolution? Really, is it so hard to believe that an all-powerful God couldn't create this wonderful world with strange creatures, with a sense of age, and with the ability to adapt? Perhaps the dinosaurs were all killed in the Great Flood. Perhaps mankind killed them all. Perhaps God just put funny-looking skeletons in the ground just to capture our imaginations. 

As far as the earth's apparent age is concerned, we must remember that God created Adam and Eve as adults... not as babies. Is it inconceivable to think He did not do the same with the Earth? God created the Earth as its "adult" self...not as a primordial "baby". Contrary to popular belief, evolution and creation are not mutually exclusive beliefs. God is a keen engineer and created this world with the ability to self-sustain and adapt. He created amazing creatures with the ability to adapt to the changing world. He set time into motion to begin this story, and he will end time with Eternity once the story of Earth has been fulfilled.

It all began with God. The world was spoken into existence by Him. I don't know about you, but when I look at the world around me--- in all its amazing glory--- I don't have a hard time believing it.

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