Friday, July 30, 2010

God Loves Annoying People

Some people just get on my nerves. You know the type... people who don't know when to stop talking. People who are rude or stupid and don't know it. People whose words just make you cringe with disbelief. People you just want to take by the shoulders and give them a good shake while yelling "Shuuuuuuuuuuuuut uuuuuuuuuuuuup!!" --as much for their sake as yours.

I can deal with the purposely annoying. People who are trying to irritate you are easy. You just ignore them and when they see there is no fun to be had, they move on. The ignorantly annoying are the real problem. They are oblivious to the irritation they are causing those around them, and no one really wants to inform them of how stupid they are being for fear of looking like a jerk.

I always imagine Peter was probably one of these blissfully unaware "annoyers". Simon Peter. Yeah, the top disciple in Jesus' hand-picked Twelve.

Stick with me here. Accounts of Peter in the Bible often make me sit back and laugh a little. You honestly have to give your head a shake at some of the stuff this guy did.

First, some background. Simon Peter was a fisherman by trade. And I hope you don't have any illusions in your mind as to what this career entailed. It was not the relaxing afternoon in the sun that recreational fishers rave about. This was hard work. Being a fisherman in those days was probably the equivalent to being an oil rig worker today. It was hard, rough work; typically done by equally hard, rough people. Simon Peter was not the man you see pictured in Church murals with long flowing white robes and perfectly groomed hair. Simon Peter was a tough man. Jesus hand-picked this rough-around-the-edges man to be a part of his group. To be student, and to become a teacher. To be a friend.

There were some days, though, when I imagine even Jesus wanted to cringe, drop his face into his palms, and shake his head at Simon Peter.  Here are a few paraphrased instances directly out of the New Testament:

Matthew 14: 28-31 -- Jesus walks on water. Peter decides he wants to join him. Peter takes a couple steps across the water and begins to sink. He ends up floundering about like a fool and screaming for help.

John 13:2-11 --Jesus washes his disciples' feet as a symbolic gesture of servanthood. Peter ruins the serious moment by refusing to let Jesus wash his feet. Jesus explains (metaphorically) that he needs to do this for his disciples or they can have nothing to do with him. Peter over-compensates for his initial refusal by telling Jesus to go ahead and give him a complete bath!

Matthew 16:21-23 --Peter basically tries to tell Jesus he shouldn't have to go through with all this crucifixion/suffering-for-our-sins stuff. Jesus refers to Peter as "Satan" for inadvertently trying to tempt Him from completing the purpose He was sent to Earth for... and would have therefore essentially damned the entire human race.

Matthew 26:69-75 --After all this time and all Jesus' patience, love, and friendship to Simon Peter... Jesus comes to his hour of greatest need, and Peter denies even knowing him--not once, not twice, but three times!

I don't know about you, but if I had an aquaintance or friend who undermined the most important things I tried to do/say and then refused to even acknowledge my existence when I needed him most... I'd be pretty darn irritated. But Jesus instead chose to love this guy. Jesus gently (and sometimes not-so-gently) corrected Peter. Simon Peter ended up growing in his faith and becoming one of the most well-known and beloved biblical characters. He is even seen as the First Pope in the Catholic faith!

Jesus chose and honoured this simple man with many faults. Jesus showed patience and "tough-love" with this man who was probably not the easiest guy to get along with. God showed love and mercy to this flawed, annoying man... so we probably should do the same with the irritating people in our own lives.

But there's a bigger moral to this story than "Love Annoying People". There is greater hope to this story. God demonstrated love, patience, mercy, and forgiveness to some of the worst people you can imagine. Some were merely annoying, while others were downright evil (Hello? Have you met Paul? The Christian-killer-extraordinaire formerly known as "Saul"?)

No matter how terrible you think you or others around you are, just remember that our God has a track record of turning the biggest losers and scum-of-the-earth types into the best, most honoured Christian leaders of all time.

That is indeed a comforting thought to a Stumbler like me who has spent a lot of time feeling and acting like a Loser. :)


Thank you so much for forgiving and accepting losers. It's good to know that you forgave a guy who denied your Son's existence, because I know that means you'll forgive me for the stupid stuff I do too. It reminds me that you never turn your back on people like me, even though I might occasionally turn my back on you.

I ask you, God, if you would please help me to have the same patience that Jesus had with Simon Peter when I encounter irritating or rude people in my own life. It's really difficult for me not to get frustrated with people and lose my temper.

Thanks again,

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