Monday, January 10, 2011

Quotable Wisdom: Proverbs 8

Passage Highlight:

"I love those who love me, 
   and those who seek me find me."
Proverbs 8:17 (NIV)
(Subject- Wisdom)

How many of us are in the pursuit of wisdom? I'm not talking about University degrees or fun facts or knowledge of politics. I'm talking true wisdom. God-given, God-inspired wisdom. 

I find all too often I get distracted by the world's standard of "wisdom." After all, I just paid tens of thousands of dollars and invested 5 years of my life to get my B.A. and B.Ed. If I'm willing to invest that much into pursuing worldly knowledge, why am I not willing to invest the same or more into pursuing God and His wisdom? 

God isn't trying to hide anything. He will reveal himself to those who seek Him. He wants us to know what He's doing. In spite of that, though, most days I can't be bothered to seek Him or His wisdom. I'm "too busy" with "life." 

It's pretty embarrassing, really. Especially when I put things into an eternal perspective. I invest so much time in things that have no eternal value whatsoever. They are temporary. And yet those things that truly matter I put on the back burner because I am too tied up with my worldly pursuits.

I think it's time for another attitude adjustment. 

I am so sorry for ignoring you and your wisdom. I don't spend the time with you I should. God, forgive me. Thank you for loving me even when I'm unlovable. When I'm disobedient and distracted. God, I want you to be my priority.

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